Without drugs and surgeries, but with care and compassion...
Symptoms of the disease are pain that occurs below the knee joint. The pain is painful in nature, swelling and redness of the tissue may occur. Movement in the joint is preserved, but there is a danger of tearing or rupturing the ligaments, which lose their strength. Tendinitis is most common in overweight men. At the beginning of the disease, discomfort occurs only in periods of active physical activity, and then it can occur even at rest.
If you often experience knee pain that is exacerbated by running, walking or prolonged sitting, you probably suffer from a common syndrome called "runner's knee". This is patellofemoral syndrome, which is the presence of pain in the knee cap (patella) area. It one of the most common syndromes associated with kneecap pain in athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. This injury occurs as a result of a large number and repetitive uniform movements in the knees that cause joint strain. Other factors that can be the cause of kneecap pain are sudden changes in the duration and intensity of workouts, or wearing uncomfortable shoes.
Osteoarthritis is a disease with a chronic course. It represents destruction, i.e. destruction of the cartilaginous tissue involved in the formation of the joint and compensatory overgrowth of bone tissue with the formation of subchondral bone sclerosis and the formation of osteophytes - the so-called spines on the edges of the articular cartilage and at the sites of capture of the joint capsule and ligaments. Osteophytes can break away from the articular surface and be found freely "floating" in the joint cavity.
Symptoms of bursitis are with localized pain. Usually the discomfort occurs in a particular position and decreases when the position changes. The disease is associated with inflammation of the joint capsules and usually occurs when the joint is overloaded. If the posterior bursa of the joint is affected, pain occurs on ascent and descent. If a purulent process is added to the disease, the pain becomes intense and numbing, as well as hyperemia of the soft tissues and symptoms of general intoxication of the body.
The osteopath will do a thorough examination to find out what is causing the knee pain and how best to treat it.
Most knee pain can be effectively treated with osteopathy. However, sometimes the osteopath may need to refer you to your GP for further tests or scans. This may be because your symptoms suggest other causes of knee pain that require medical intervention, such as:
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